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Safe Handling of UV Inks and Coatings: Best Practices for a Secure Printing Environment

UV inks and coatings have revolutionized the printing industry with their quick drying times and remarkable print quality. However, it’s crucial to handle these materials with care to ensure not only the best printing results but also the safety of those working with them. In this article, we will discuss essential guidelines for the safe handling of UV inks and coatings.

Protect from Sunlight and Fluorescent Light

Keep UV Ink Away from Direct Sunlight: UV ink should never be exposed to direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure can cause unwanted curing and affect the ink’s performance.

Avoid Fluorescent Light: Keep UV ink at least 1 meter away from fluorescent lights in the pressroom. To shield the pressroom from sunlight, consider using UV-cut lamps, especially when dealing with medium, weaker color ink, overprint varnish, and clear coatings.

No Mixing with Conventional Ink

Never Mix Conventional and UV Inks: Mixing conventional ink with UV ink can lead to gelation, resulting in poor curing during the printing process. Keep these ink types separate to ensure optimal performance.

Exercise Caution with Metallic Inks

Avoid Mixing Silver/Gold Ink with Normal Colors: The stability of gelling deteriorates significantly when silver/gold ink is mixed with regular color inks. If necessary, use the mixture ink promptly for each printing job.

Storage Conditions Matter

Store UV Ink in a Cool, Dark Place: UV ink is sensitive to temperature and can become more viscous or even gel under high temperatures. Ideally, keep the ink below 25 degrees Celsius. If temperature control is challenging, store the ink away from running machines to prevent heating, paying extra attention to black, gold, and silver inks, which are more prone to gelation.

Use Dedicated Additives for UV Ink

Exclusively Use Additives for UV Ink: Do not use additives meant for conventional ink with UV ink. Mixing them can lead to poor curing results.

Protect Your Skin

Apply Hand Cream for Skin Protection: UV ink can be irritating to the skin. Before handling UV ink, apply protective hand cream. If ink comes into contact with your skin, wash it off promptly. In case of skin inflammation, consult a medical professional immediately, especially during the summer when open pores are more susceptible to absorption.

Use Protective Gloves During Cleaning

Wear Protective Gloves for Cleaning: When cleaning UV ink that has dissolved into a solvent, use protective gloves to prevent absorption through the skin.

Avoid Using UV Ink for Food Packaging Prints with Direct Food Contact

Exercise Caution in Food Packaging Printing: While UV ink may comply with international safety standards, it should not be used for direct food contact applications. Ensure that there is a protective barrier between the ink and the food product.


Safe handling of UV inks and coatings is paramount to maintain both print quality and the well-being of those working with them. By following these guidelines, you can create a secure printing environment, mitigate potential risks, and ensure the continued success of your UV printing projects. Always prioritize safety when working with UV inks and coatings to maintain the highest standards of performance and responsibility in your printing operations.

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